Dior’s classic old-fashioned color scheme has been used in too many products, whether it is bags, shoes or handbags, they are all in their own style.
This navy blue wool and rabbit fur blend shawl reinterprets the iconic Oblique print that Dior originally introduced in 1967. The contrasting trim is decorated with tassels and is matched with the “Christian Dior” capital letter logo to enhance the style. It can be worn on the shoulders and is an ideal accessory for warmth and fashion. 1️⃣Speaking of the color, it is still the color “navy blue”. Everyone knows that Dior’s classic favorite color is the result of repeated printing and dyeing. The more one is black and the other is blue. Light gray, this light gray is still a color that I have not seen before. This color, gray and white match, I have to say that the Dior designer is too accurate in the color. Talking about the craftsmanship, the entire scarf can also be used. Said it is luxurious, the pattern on the whole shawl is not flat, showing a three-dimensional touch through the yarn thinning process, classic matching, size, 140*160 “with tassels”, without tassels, 140*140
312.00 $ 240.00 $
Talking about the craftsmanship, the entire scarf can also be used. Said it is luxurious, the pattern on the whole shawl is not flat, showing a three-dimensional touch through the yarn thinning process, classic matching, size, 140*160 “with tassels”, without tassels, 140*140
Categories: Accessories & Equipment, Women's Scarfs
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